Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tracer Tips and Fat Caps

Can I get an amen for all my bombing brothers out there in the street?

I'm back after a bit of an absence due mainly to work. Yes unlike most of the people who blog these days, I work.

So here's what's up and your next assignment on the never ending struggle for happiness.

I'm currently reading/studying a book called GRAFFITI L.A. STREET STYLES AND ART. This is a must read for any and all who live in the city. It is the true blog of our culture, perhaps an essay of what happens to us, around us and about us. This book is vital.

Here's a little anecdote:

I am in a constant struggle to discover who I really am. You think you struggle, there is not a morning, that I wake up and don't think about what I am doing, where I'm at and where I'm going.

Put on the new (or not so new) Kanye and was loving it. Despite my deep hate for people with ego's like that. Directly after him on the shuffle was Mobb Deep and I instantly felt a little more comfortable. Weird I think.

Had a little shin dig at a place that I'm house sitting right now. Had a bunch of friends over and a bunch of people who I don't know. There was a girl who refused to take her sun glasses off even though it was 4:00am and there was not a light to be found. Made me wonder if she had a lazy eye or something.

Really why do people wear sun glasses at night!?!?!?! There is no reason to hide those eyes of yours, I want to see them and I would imagine that there are other people who want to see them as well.

Needless to say after the whole sun glasses thing I saw her at Chris Garcia's birthday and I decided not to talk to her. Sorry.

I don't really care if it's cool to wear that shit when there is no light out. It's just lame to wear sunglasses at night. There was a song that was written in 90's or 80's about that. Now let me ask you if you know who wrote/performed it and then let me ask you where that motherfucker is now?

I rest my case. Shut the sun glasses at night down.

I leave you with a quote...

Ok smartie, go to a party
Girls are stancin the crowd is showin body
A chick walks by you wish you could sex her
But you're standin on the wall like you was Poindexter

Coming very soon.



1 comment:

Ryan said...

Corey Hart - Sunglasses At Night - He's nice and rich and living in the Bahamas writing songs for Celine Dion.

Get me my shades.